
Comfort Measures During Active labour

Navigating Active Labour: Expert Tips for Comfort and Support

As you step into the exhilarating phase of active labour, it’s essential to arm yourself with effective strategies and comfort measures to ease your journey and welcome your little one with strength and grace. In this guide, we'll explore a range of techniques to help you navigate active labour with confidence and comfort. 

Breathing Techniques

During active labour, your breath becomes your anchor amidst the waves of contractions. Practice deep, slow breathing to promote relaxation and manage discomfort. Inhale deeply through your nose, allowing your belly to rise, and exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing tension with each breath. Visualize each breath as a wave, rising and falling, guiding you through each surge with calmness and focus.

Position and Movement

Embrace the freedom to move and find positions that feel most comfortable to you. Whether it's standing, swaying, kneeling, or squatting, listen to your body and trust your instincts. Movement can help facilitate labour progress and alleviate discomfort. Experiment with different positions until you discover what works best for you.

Birth Ball

A birth ball can be a valuable tool during active labour, providing support and promoting optimal positioning. Sit or lean on the birth ball to relieve pressure on your lower back and pelvis. Gentle bouncing or rocking motions can help soothe discomfort and encourage baby's descent.

Touch and Massage

Human touch is incredibly comforting during labour. Enlist the support of your birth partner or doula to provide gentle massage and tactile support. Massage techniques such as effleurage (light stroking), counter pressure, and sacral pressure can offer relief and promote relaxation.


Harness the power of acupressure points to alleviate pain and enhance labour progress. Pressing on specific points on your body, such as the webbing between your thumb and index finger (Hoku point) or the sacrum, can help release endorphins and ease discomfort.

Rebozo Techniques

The traditional Mexican shawl known as a rebozo can be a versatile tool for comfort and support during labour. Techniques such as hip squeezes, belly lifts, and gentle rocking motions with the rebozo can provide relief and promote optimal positioning of the baby.

Remember, every labour journey is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Stay open to trying different techniques and trust in your body's innate wisdom. With the right support and preparation, you can navigate active labour with strength, resilience, and confidence. 

Further, we have compiled a set of informative videos based on all the above listed comfort measures. You can watch to gain more knowledge. 


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