
Returning To Work; Emotions You Feel

Returning to work after maternity leave can be a rollercoaster of emotions for many parents. The journey is often marked by a series of feelings, from excitement to guilt, and everything in between. Understanding and addressing these emotions is crucial for a smoother transition back into the workplace. So, in this article, we'll explore some common emotions and provide strategies for tackling them.

1. Guilt

One of the most prevalent emotions during this transition is guilt. Parents may feel guilty about leaving their baby in the care of others. To tackle this, remind yourself that being a working parent sets a positive example of responsibility and work ethic for your baby.

2. Anxiety

Anxiety can stem from the fear of the unknown, such as how your baby will adapt to childcare or how you'll manage your workload after a long break. To cope with anxiety - plan ahead, establish a reliable childcare arrangement, and communicate openly with your employer about your needs.

3. Self-Doubt

Doubting your ability to balance work and family is normal. Remember that many working parents face this challenge almost every day. To tackle self-doubt, lean on your support system, seek advice from experienced parents, and be patient with yourself as you learn to manage both roles.

4. Overwhelm

The overwhelming feeling of having to juggle between work & household chores and parenting responsibilities can be daunting. To manage this emotion, create a realistic schedule, delegate tasks when possible, and practice self-care regularly to reduce stress.

5. Sadness

Returning to work may bring sadness as you will miss the uninterrupted time spent with your baby. To deal with this, cherish the quality time you have together and make the most of weekends and evenings. Stay connected with your baby through calls or messages during the day.

 6. Missing Moments

Missin important milestones in your baby's life can be heart-wrenching. Combat this by making a conscious effort to be present (not just physically, but mentally & mindfully) during your time with your baby and focus on creating memorable moments together.

7. Isolation

Feeling isolated from your colleagues who may not understand the challenges you face is common. Seek support groups or forums (including Mamily’s support community) for working parents to connect with others who can relate to your experiences and share their own set of learnings for you.

8. Regret

Occasional regret about the decision to return to work is normal. Remember that your choice was made with keeping your family's best interest in mind, and it's okay to revisit your decision periodically to ensure it still aligns with your and your partner’s goals.

9. Ambivalence

Mixed feelings are natural during this period of transition. Embrace the complexity of your emotions and give yourself time to adapt to your new routine. Talk / discuss with your partner and other family members more often, to seek their support and guidance.

10. Empowerment

Finding strength in managing both roles is empowering. Recognize your accomplishments, both at the work front as a professional, and in your house as a parent, and celebrate your ability to balance them, with dedication and confidence.


Navigating the emotional rollercoaster of returning to work after maternity leave is a journey that every working parent faces uniquely. Remember that it's okay to feel these emotions and that you're not alone. By acknowledging your feelings and implementing these strategies, you can not only survive this transition but also thrive in both your personal & professional lives.


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