
Feeding An Adopted Baby

In this article you learn about:

Feeding an Adopted Baby

Tips and tricks to feed an adopted baby

Whether you've just adopted a baby or are preparing to, you're probably wondering how to feed them. Don't worry! We're here to help.

Prepare Yourself for Feeding an Adopted Baby

Formula or breast milk? That's one of the first decisions you'll have to make. And thankfully, there are plenty of resources to help you make the right decision for your family. Start by talking to your pediatrician!


Every baby will respond differently to being breastfed. Try to get as much information as possible about the baby's feeding history. This will give you a better idea of what to expect and may also help you identify any potential problems or concerns well in time.


To bottle feed or not is totally your decision, but if you choose to, here's a step-by-step guide to bottle-feeding an adopted baby:

1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

2. Wash bottles and nipples in hot water.

3. Fill a bottle with room-temperature formula or breast milk.

4. Gently hold your baby against your chest and position the nipple in her mouth.

5. Allow her to suck on the nipple until she swallows, then release her gently.

6. Burp her after every two to three ounces.

7. Discard any unused formula after one hour.

Understanding the hunger

A baby's natural response to hunger is crying and rooting - where they will turn their head towards something they can latch onto. They may also put their fingers in their mouth or make sucking motions with their lips to let you know they are hungry.

If you've adopted an infant from the hospital, be sure to ask about how much breastfeeding or formula feeding the baby received before coming home.


Feeding a baby is not always easy, but here are some tips and tricks to help make the process comfortable.

  • Give your baby plenty of time to decide whether they want to eat. Hold off on offering food until they show hunger signs, such as smacking their lips or sticking out their tongue.

  • Try not to get discouraged if your baby refuses to eat.

  • Provide a safe eating environment by removing distractions like screens.

  • Always watch for signs of fullness, such as pushing away food or turning their head away.

It may take a little time for both of you to figure out what works best. But with patience and perseverance, you can create a breastfeeding routine that works for both of you!


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